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From Ashes to Life

Caroline Muthoka

Friday August 7th 2021 marked 23 years since the US Embassy bombings in East Africa. Caroline Muthoka and Lucky Baraka among others survived that tragedy. They have lived in in the United States of America since 2001.

Born and raised in Kenya, caroline Muthoka was working on the 19th floor of the Co-operative Building, next to the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, on Aug. 7, 1998, where she miraculously escaped death with her son Lucky Baraka. Caroline is blessed with 3 children and, her older son, Kelvin, who was 4 years old then (1998), and who witnessed what the mother and his younger brother went through, still suffers Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) up to date and has always been affected by what befell his family.

Picking up the pieces that were left, she has chosen to advocate for peace in the world especially, for Kenya, her country that has been affected so much by terrorism. “It is my hope that nobody else experiences a terrorist attack like I did with my son and the others that were affected. This is why I am praying for peace because without peace, hatred will never end”. She pointed to the massacre in Kenya in April 2015 in which 147 innocent students were killed in an attack at a Garissa University College dormitory. In 2013, the terrorists attacked the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, occupying it for four days, killing 67 people and injuring more than 175. The gunmen were also killed.

Using her songs and story, "From Ashes to Life", Caroline is advocating for all to work towards Peace, Love and Unity.

Poleni out now!

Featuring Rose Muhando, this song is for encouraging people who have gone through tough times in their life. You may feel like everything has come to a standstill but, be encouraged that there is a future at the end of every difficult situation. Just remember that there still is HOPE inspite of what you go through.

To all the survivors of the August 7, 1998 Nairobi bomb attack, There still is HOPE.